Cool refreshing summer detox drink

This drink aids in digestion and also helps you in detoxification. It is a good in between meal beverage.


  • Mint (pudina)- 2-3 handfull of mint leaves ,enough to make 2 teaspoons of mint juice.
  • Fennel seeds(saunf) powdered , if possible – 2 teaspoons
  • Lemon juice- 1 teaspoon
  • Black pepper powder- to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Water – 1/2 litres


  1. Take mint leaves and make a thick paste out of it in a grinder using very little water.
  2. Now take 2 teaspoons of this mint paste and add fennel seeds or fennel powder and all the other above listed ingredients in a mixie jar add 1/2 litre of water to it and churn it.
  3. Detox drink is ready and you can enjoy it as a cool refreshing summer beverage .