Ginger Pickle


  • Ginger – 50 g
  • Red chillies – 100g
  • Imli (Tamarind) juice -1 Tablespoon
  • Salt to taste
  • Red chilies – 100g
  • Curry leaves – 2 sprigs
  • Oil – 2 Tablespoon (Tbsp.)
  • Sugar (2 Tbsp.)/ Jaggery (a small piece)


  1. Chop the ginger into small pieces and fry in a pan with little oil.
  2. Also add red chilies, curry leaves and fry for a while. Remove and cool.
  3. To this, add tamarind, salt and grind to a fine paste.
  4. At the end add jaggery/ sugar and blend for another minute.
  5. Store it in tight jar .

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