Chinese Crisp Fried Chicken


  • Chicken joints -1 kg
  • Chinese five spice powder- 1 tsp.
  • Light soya sauce-1 tbsp.
  • Dark soya sauce -2 tsp.
  • Rice wine- 2 tsp.
  • Corn flour -1 tbsp.
  • Water -100 ml
  • Salt -2 tsp.
  • Sugar -2 tsp.
  • Corn flour to dust
  • Oil to deep fry


  1. Combine all the ingredients from five spice powder to sugar and pour over the chicken. Marinate for 1 hour.
  2. Lift the chicken pieces from marinade and roll in corn flour.
  3. Deep fry in hot oil till cooked through and well browned. Serve hot.

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