Sugars are a type of carbohydrate.Sugars are Simple Carbohydrates. They are more readily convertible into energy than any other food. In fact, simple sugars need almost no digesting – they can enter the bloodstream immediately. Diabetics suffering from a hypoglycemic episode (low blood glucose levels) can be quickly stabilized with boiled sweets or sugar. All carbohydrates are made up of units of sugar (â€saccharrideâ€). Carbohydrates containing only one unit of sugar (called “monosaccharidesâ€) or two sugar units of sugar (called “disaccharidesâ€) are known as “simple sugars†or “simple carbohydrates.†Composition of Carbohydrate Sugars Type of Carbohydrate Molecular Contents
- Monosaccharides Glucose (basic sugar unit) 1 molecule of glucose
- Fructose (fruit sugar) 1 molecule of fructose
- Galactose (derived from lactose) 1 molecule of galactose
- Disaccharides Sucrose (table sugar) 1 molecule of glucose + 1 molecule of fructose
- Maltose (malt sugar) 2 molecules of glucose
- Lactose (milk sugar) 1 molecule of galactose + 1 molecule of glucose
Sugars are High Glycemic Index Foods The classification of carbs into “simple†or “complex carbs†has been superceded by the Glycemic Index, which rates carbs according to their effect on blood-glucose levels. Most sugars or sugary carbohydrates (except fructose, or fruit sugar) are classified as high-glycemic-index foods and should (for best effects on blood-sugar and insulin sensitivity) be eaten in moderation – preferably in combination with low glycemic index foods. Sugars in Processed Food Sugars or “simple carbs†are one of the most common ingredients in processed food. In fact, about half our sugar consumption comes from ‘invisible’ sugars inside foods (rather than sugar we add), the main sugar-carb culprits being sodas, cakes, cookies and candy.