
Potassium is necessary for human body mainly in all atissue cells. it is also found in the extarcellular fluid like sodium.Our body contains approximately 2.6 g of ppoatssium per kg of body weight.

Functions of Sodium

  1. It is required for the maintenance of the osmotic pressure and fluid balance within the cells. It is an obluigatory component of the cells so more the number of cells. graeter increase in the potassium.
  2. potassium is required for the enzymatic actions that takes place in the cells. Some potassium is bound to phosphate in the process of formatiion of glucose to glycogen.
  3. Small amounts of potassium is a;lso presesnt in the extarcellular fluid , where it is required to transmit nerve impulses and for muscle fibres, along with other ions.

Deficiency of Potassium

Under normal circumstances the potassium deficiency does not occur except in instances of

  • severe malnutrition
  • chronic alcohlolism
  • anorexia nervosa
  • low carbohydrate diets
  • in dieting where food intake is restricted
  • severe injuries where the losses exceeds replacement ( post surgery, prolonged periods)

Low potassium levels- Hypokalemia. Its characterstics are

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • listlessness
  • apprehension
  • muscle weakness
  • hypotension
  • tacchycardia
  • arrythmai
  • altered electrocardiogram

Sources of potassium

  • Meat,poultry,fish,milk,curds
  • whole grain cereals and pulses
  • vegetable and fruits, e.g. bananas, poatatoes,tomatoes,carrots,celery,orange,grapes, custard apple,chiku.

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